Lines Matching defs:toFind

334 		String toFind = "consumes faster than Labor wears; while the used key is always bright,";

338 stats0[j] = PerformanceTest.stringFindTest(bensAuto_RAW, toFind);
339 stats1[j] = PerformanceTest.stringBufferFindTest(bensAuto_RAW, toFind);
340 stats2[j] = PerformanceTest.ropeFindTest(bensAuto_RAW, toFind);
352 toFind = "Bob was very cheerful with them, and spoke pleasantly to";
356 stats0[j] = PerformanceTest.stringFindTest2(complexString, toFind);
357 stats1[j] = PerformanceTest.stringBufferFindTest2(complexStringBuffer, toFind);
358 stats2[j] = PerformanceTest.ropeFindTest2(complexRope, toFind);
381 private static long stringFindTest(char[] aChristmasCarol, String toFind) {
386 int loc = b.indexOf(toFind);
388 System.out.printf("[String.find] indexOf needle length %d found at index %d in % ,18d ns.\n", toFind.length(), loc, (y-x));
392 private static long stringBufferFindTest(char[] aChristmasCarol, String toFind) {
397 int loc = b.indexOf(toFind);
399 System.out.printf("[StringBuffer.find] indexOf needle length %d found at index %d in % ,18d ns.\n", toFind.length(), loc, (y-x));
403 private static long ropeFindTest(char[] aChristmasCarol, String toFind) {
408 int loc = b.indexOf(toFind);
410 System.out.printf("[Rope.find] indexOf needle length %d found at index %d in % ,18d ns.\n", toFind.length(), loc, (y-x));
414 private static long stringFindTest2(String aChristmasCarol, String toFind) {
418 int loc = aChristmasCarol.indexOf(toFind);
420 System.out.printf("[String.find] indexOf needle length %d found at index %d in % ,18d ns.\n", toFind.length(), loc, (y-x));
424 private static long stringBufferFindTest2(StringBuffer aChristmasCarol, String toFind) {
428 int loc = aChristmasCarol.indexOf(toFind);
430 System.out.printf("[StringBuffer.find] indexOf needle length %d found at index %d in % ,18d ns.\n", toFind.length(), loc, (y-x));
434 private static long ropeFindTest2(Rope aChristmasCarol, String toFind) {
438 int loc = aChristmasCarol.indexOf(toFind);
440 System.out.printf("[Rope.find] indexOf needle length %d found at index %d in % ,18d ns.\n", toFind.length(), loc, (y-x));