/* * RopeTest.java * Copyright (C) 2007 Amin Ahmad. * * This file is part of Java Ropes. * * Java Ropes is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Java Ropes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Java Ropes. If not, see . * * Amin Ahmad can be contacted at amin.ahmad@gmail.com or on the web at * www.ahmadsoft.org. */ package org.ahmadsoft.ropes.test; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import junit.framework.Assert; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.ahmadsoft.ropes.Rope; import org.ahmadsoft.ropes.impl.ConcatenationRope; import org.ahmadsoft.ropes.impl.FlatCharSequenceRope; import org.ahmadsoft.ropes.impl.ReverseRope; import org.ahmadsoft.ropes.impl.SubstringRope; public class RopeTest extends TestCase { private String fromRope(Rope rope, int start, int end) { try { Writer out = new StringWriter(end - start); rope.write(out, start, end - start); return out.toString(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public void testSubstringDeleteBug() { String s = "12345678902234567890"; Rope rope = Rope.BUILDER.build(s.toCharArray()); // bugs rope = rope.delete(0, 1); assertEquals("23", fromRope(rope, 0, 2)); assertEquals("", fromRope(rope, 0, 0)); assertEquals("902", fromRope(rope, 7, 10)); rope = Rope.BUILDER.build(s); // no bugs rope = rope.delete(0, 1); assertEquals("23", fromRope(rope, 0, 2)); assertEquals("", fromRope(rope, 0, 0)); assertEquals("902", fromRope(rope, 7, 10)); } /** * Bug reported by ugg.ugg@gmail.com. */ public void testRopeWriteBug() { Rope r = Rope.BUILDER.build(""); r = r.append("round "); r = r.append(Integer.toString(0)); r = r.append(" 1234567890"); assertEquals("round ", fromRope(r,0,6)); assertEquals("round 0", fromRope(r,0,7)); assertEquals("round 0 ", fromRope(r,0,8)); assertEquals("round 0 1", fromRope(r,0,9)); assertEquals("round 0 12", fromRope(r,0,10)); assertEquals("round 0 1234567890", fromRope(r,0,18)); assertEquals("round 0 1234567890", fromRope(r,0,r.length())); } public void testTemp() { // insert temporary code here. } public void testLengthOverflow() { Rope x1 = Rope.BUILDER.build("01"); for (int j=2;j<31;++j) x1 = x1.append(x1); assertEquals(1073741824, x1.length()); try { x1 = x1.append(x1); fail("Expected overflow."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // this is what we expect } } public void testMatches() { Rope x1 = new FlatCharSequenceRope("0123456789"); Rope x2 = new ConcatenationRope(x1, x1); assertTrue(x2.matches("0.*9")); assertTrue(x2.matches(Pattern.compile("0.*9"))); assertTrue(x2.matches("0.*90.*9")); assertTrue(x2.matches(Pattern.compile("0.*90.*9"))); } public void testConcatenationFlatFlat() { Rope r1 = Rope.BUILDER.build("alpha"); final Rope r2 = Rope.BUILDER.build("beta"); Rope r3 = r1.append(r2); Assert.assertEquals("alphabeta", r3.toString()); r1 = Rope.BUILDER.build("The quick brown fox jumped over"); r3 = r1.append(r1); Assert.assertEquals("The quick brown fox jumped overThe quick brown fox jumped over", r3.toString()); } public void testIterator() { Rope x1 = new FlatCharSequenceRope("0123456789"); Rope x2 = new FlatCharSequenceRope("0123456789"); Rope x3 = new FlatCharSequenceRope("0123456789"); ConcatenationRope c1 = new ConcatenationRope(x1, x2); ConcatenationRope c2 = new ConcatenationRope(c1, x3); Iterator i = c2.iterator(); for (int j = 0; j < c2.length(); ++j) { assertTrue("Has next (" + j + "/" + c2.length() + ")", i.hasNext()); i.next(); } assertTrue(!i.hasNext()); FlatCharSequenceRope z1 = new FlatCharSequenceRope("0123456789"); Rope z2 = new SubstringRope(z1, 2, 0); Rope z3 = new SubstringRope(z1, 2, 2); Rope z4 = new ConcatenationRope(z3, new SubstringRope(z1, 6, 2)); // 2367 i = z2.iterator(); assertTrue(!i.hasNext()); i = z3.iterator(); assertTrue(i.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '2',(char) i.next()); assertTrue(i.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '3', (char) i.next()); assertTrue(!i.hasNext()); for (int j=0; j<=z3.length(); ++j) { try { z3.iterator(j); } catch (Exception e) { fail(j + " " + e.toString()); } } assertTrue(4 == z4.length()); for (int j=0; j<=z4.length(); ++j) { try { z4.iterator(j); } catch (Exception e) { fail(j + " " + e.toString()); } } i=z4.iterator(4); assertTrue(!i.hasNext()); i=z4.iterator(2); assertTrue(i.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '6',(char) i.next()); assertTrue(i.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '7',(char) i.next()); assertTrue(!i.hasNext()); } public void testReverse() { Rope x1 = new FlatCharSequenceRope("012345"); Rope x2 = new FlatCharSequenceRope("67"); Rope x3 = new ConcatenationRope(x1, x2); assertEquals("543210", x1.reverse().toString()); assertEquals("76543210", x3.reverse().toString()); assertEquals(x3.reverse(), x3.reverse().reverse().reverse()); assertEquals("654321", x3.reverse().subSequence(1, 7).toString()); } public void testTrim() { Rope x1 = new FlatCharSequenceRope("\u0012 012345"); Rope x2 = new FlatCharSequenceRope("\u0002 67 \u0007"); Rope x3 = new ConcatenationRope(x1, x2); assertEquals("012345", x1.trimStart().toString()); assertEquals("67 \u0007", x2.trimStart().toString()); assertEquals("012345\u0002 67 \u0007", x3.trimStart().toString()); assertEquals("\u0012 012345", x1.trimEnd().toString()); assertEquals("\u0002 67", x2.trimEnd().toString()); assertEquals("\u0012 012345\u0002 67", x3.trimEnd().toString()); assertEquals("012345\u0002 67", x3.trimEnd().reverse().trimEnd().reverse().toString()); assertEquals(x3.trimStart().trimEnd(), x3.trimEnd().trimStart()); assertEquals(x3.trimStart().trimEnd(), x3.trimStart().reverse().trimStart().reverse()); assertEquals(x3.trimStart().trimEnd(), x3.trim()); } public void testCreation() { try { Rope.BUILDER.build("The quick brown fox jumped over"); } catch (final Exception e) { Assert.fail("Nonempty string: " + e.getMessage()); } try { Rope.BUILDER.build(""); } catch (final Exception e) { Assert.fail("Empty string: " + e.getMessage()); } } public void testEquals() { final Rope r1 = Rope.BUILDER.build("alpha"); final Rope r2 = Rope.BUILDER.build("beta"); final Rope r3 = Rope.BUILDER.build("alpha"); Assert.assertEquals(r1, r3); Assert.assertFalse(r1.equals(r2)); } public void testHashCode() { final Rope r1 = Rope.BUILDER.build("alpha"); final Rope r2 = Rope.BUILDER.build("beta"); final Rope r3 = Rope.BUILDER.build("alpha"); Assert.assertEquals(r1.hashCode(), r3.hashCode()); Assert.assertFalse(r1.hashCode() == r2.hashCode()); } public void testHashCode2() { Rope r1 = new FlatCharSequenceRope(new StringBuffer("The quick brown fox.")); Rope r2 = new ConcatenationRope(new FlatCharSequenceRope(""), new FlatCharSequenceRope("The quick brown fox.")); assertTrue(r1.equals(r2)); assertTrue(r1.equals(r2)); } public void testIndexOf() { final Rope r1 = Rope.BUILDER.build("alpha"); final Rope r2 = Rope.BUILDER.build("beta"); final Rope r3 = r1.append(r2); Assert.assertEquals(1, r3.indexOf('l')); Assert.assertEquals(6, r3.indexOf('e')); Rope r = Rope.BUILDER.build("abcdef"); assertEquals(-1, r.indexOf('z')); assertEquals(0, r.indexOf('a')); assertEquals(1, r.indexOf('b')); assertEquals(5, r.indexOf('f')); assertEquals(1, r.indexOf('b', 0)); assertEquals(0, r.indexOf('a', 0)); assertEquals(-1, r.indexOf('z', 0)); assertEquals(-1, r.indexOf('b',2)); assertEquals(5, r.indexOf('f',5)); assertEquals(2, r.indexOf("cd", 1)); r = Rope.BUILDER.build("The quick brown fox jumped over the jumpy brown dog."); assertEquals(0, r.indexOf("The")); assertEquals(10, r.indexOf("brown")); assertEquals(10, r.indexOf("brown", 10)); assertEquals(42, r.indexOf("brown",11)); assertEquals(-1, r.indexOf("brown",43)); assertEquals(-1, r.indexOf("hhe")); r = Rope.BUILDER.build("zbbzzz"); assertEquals(-1, r.indexOf("ab",1)); } public void testInsert() { final Rope r1 = Rope.BUILDER.build("alpha"); Assert.assertEquals("betaalpha", r1.insert(0, "beta").toString()); Assert.assertEquals("alphabeta", r1.insert(r1.length(), "beta").toString()); Assert.assertEquals("abetalpha", r1.insert(1, "beta").toString()); } public void testPrepend() { Rope r1 = Rope.BUILDER.build("alphabeta"); for (int j=0;j<2;++j) r1 = r1.subSequence(0, 5).append(r1); Assert.assertEquals("alphaalphaalphabeta", r1.toString()); r1 = r1.append(r1.subSequence(5, 15)); Assert.assertEquals("alphaalphaalphabetaalphaalpha", r1.toString()); } public void testCompareTo() { final Rope r1 = Rope.BUILDER.build("alpha"); final Rope r2 = Rope.BUILDER.build("beta"); final Rope r3 = Rope.BUILDER.build("alpha"); final Rope r4 = Rope.BUILDER.build("alpha1"); final String s2 = "beta"; assertTrue(r1.compareTo(r3) == 0); assertTrue(r1.compareTo(r2) < 0); assertTrue(r2.compareTo(r1) > 0); assertTrue(r1.compareTo(r4) < 0); assertTrue(r4.compareTo(r1) > 0); assertTrue(r1.compareTo(s2) < 0); assertTrue(r2.compareTo(s2) == 0); } public void testToString() { String phrase = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy brown dog. Boy am I glad the dog was asleep."; final Rope r1 = Rope.BUILDER.build(phrase); assertTrue(phrase.equals(r1.toString())); assertTrue(phrase.subSequence(7, 27).equals(r1.subSequence(7, 27).toString())); } public void testReverseIterator() { FlatCharSequenceRope r1 = new FlatCharSequenceRope("01234"); ReverseRope r2 = new ReverseRope(r1); SubstringRope r3 = new SubstringRope(r1, 0, 3); ConcatenationRope r4 = new ConcatenationRope(new ConcatenationRope(r1,r2),r3); //0123443210012 Iterator x = r1.reverseIterator(); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '4',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '3',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '2',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '1',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '0',(char) x.next()); assertFalse(x.hasNext()); x = r1.reverseIterator(4); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '0',(char) x.next()); assertFalse(x.hasNext()); x = r2.reverseIterator(); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '0',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '1',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '2',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '3',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '4',(char) x.next()); assertFalse(x.hasNext()); x = r2.reverseIterator(4); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '4',(char) x.next()); assertFalse(x.hasNext()); x = r3.reverseIterator(); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '2',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '1',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '0',(char) x.next()); assertFalse(x.hasNext()); x = r3.reverseIterator(1); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '1',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '0',(char) x.next()); assertFalse(x.hasNext()); x = r4.reverseIterator(); //0123443210012 assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '2',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '1',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '0',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '0',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '1',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '2',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '3',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '4',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '4',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '3',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '2',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '1',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '0',(char) x.next()); assertFalse(x.hasNext()); x = r4.reverseIterator(7); assertEquals((char) '4',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '4',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '3',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '2',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '1',(char) x.next()); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '0',(char) x.next()); assertFalse(x.hasNext()); x = r4.reverseIterator(12); assertTrue(x.hasNext()); assertEquals((char) '0',(char) x.next()); assertFalse(x.hasNext()); x = r4.reverseIterator(13); assertFalse(x.hasNext()); } public void testSerialize() { FlatCharSequenceRope r1 = new FlatCharSequenceRope("01234"); ReverseRope r2 = new ReverseRope(r1); SubstringRope r3 = new SubstringRope(r1, 0, 1); ConcatenationRope r4 = new ConcatenationRope(new ConcatenationRope(r1,r2),r3); //01234432100 ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(out); oos.writeObject(r4); oos.close(); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(in); Rope r = (Rope) ois.readObject(); assertTrue(r instanceof FlatCharSequenceRope); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.toString()); } } public void testPadStart() { Rope r = Rope.BUILDER.build("hello"); assertEquals("hello", r.padStart(5).toString()); assertEquals("hello", r.padStart(0).toString()); assertEquals("hello", r.padStart(-1).toString()); assertEquals(" hello", r.padStart(6).toString()); assertEquals(" hello", r.padStart(7).toString()); assertEquals("~hello", r.padStart(6, '~').toString()); assertEquals("~~hello", r.padStart(7, '~').toString()); assertEquals("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hello", r.padStart(30, '~').toString()); } public void testPadEnd() { Rope r = Rope.BUILDER.build("hello"); assertEquals("hello", r.padEnd(5).toString()); assertEquals("hello", r.padEnd(0).toString()); assertEquals("hello", r.padEnd(-1).toString()); assertEquals("hello ", r.padEnd(6).toString()); assertEquals("hello ", r.padEnd(7).toString()); assertEquals("hello~", r.padEnd(6, '~').toString()); assertEquals("hello~~", r.padEnd(7, '~').toString()); assertEquals("hello~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", r.padEnd(30, '~').toString()); } public void testSubstringBounds() { Rope r = Rope.BUILDER.build("01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789".toCharArray()); Rope r2 = r.subSequence(0, 30); try{ r2.charAt(31); fail("Expected IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // success } } public void testAppend() { Rope r = Rope.BUILDER.build(""); r=r.append('a'); assertEquals("a", r.toString()); r=r.append("boy"); assertEquals("aboy", r.toString()); r=r.append("test", 0, 4); assertEquals("aboytest", r.toString()); } public void testEmpty() { Rope r1 = Rope.BUILDER.build(""); Rope r2 = Rope.BUILDER.build("012345"); assertTrue(r1.isEmpty()); assertFalse(r2.isEmpty()); assertTrue(r2.subSequence(2, 2).isEmpty()); } public void testCharAt() { FlatCharSequenceRope r1 = new FlatCharSequenceRope("0123456789"); SubstringRope r2 = new SubstringRope(r1,0,1); SubstringRope r3 = new SubstringRope(r1,9,1); ConcatenationRope r4 = new ConcatenationRope(r1, r3); assertEquals('0', r1.charAt(0)); assertEquals('9', r1.charAt(9)); assertEquals('0', r2.charAt(0)); assertEquals('9', r3.charAt(0)); assertEquals('0', r4.charAt(0)); assertEquals('9', r4.charAt(9)); assertEquals('9', r4.charAt(10)); } public void testRegexp() { ConcatenationRope r = new ConcatenationRope(new FlatCharSequenceRope("012345"), new FlatCharSequenceRope("6789")); CharSequence c = r.getForSequentialAccess(); for (int j=0; j<10; ++j) { assertEquals(r.charAt(j), c.charAt(j)); } c = r.getForSequentialAccess(); int[] indices={1,2,1,3,5,0,6,7,8,1,7,7,7}; for (int i: indices) { assertEquals("Index: " + i, r.charAt(i), c.charAt(i)); } } public void testStartsEndsWith() { final Rope r = Rope.BUILDER.build("Hello sir, how do you do?"); assertTrue(r.startsWith("")); assertTrue(r.startsWith("H")); assertTrue(r.startsWith("He")); assertTrue(r.startsWith("Hello ")); assertTrue(r.startsWith("", 0)); assertTrue(r.startsWith("H", 0)); assertTrue(r.startsWith("He", 0)); assertTrue(r.startsWith("Hello ", 0)); assertTrue(r.startsWith("", 1)); assertTrue(r.startsWith("e", 1)); assertTrue(r.endsWith("?")); assertTrue(r.endsWith("do?")); assertTrue(r.endsWith("o", 1)); assertTrue(r.endsWith("you do", 1)); } }