Package org.ahmadsoft.ropes.impl

Internal implementation package for Java Ropes.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
AbstractRope Abstract base class for ropes that implements many of the common operations.
ConcatenationRope A rope that represents the concatenation of two other ropes.
ConcatenationRopeIteratorImpl A fast iterator for concatenated ropes.
ConcatenationRopeReverseIteratorImpl A fast reverse iterator for concatenated ropes.
FlatCharArrayRope A rope constructed from a character array.
FlatCharSequenceRope A rope constructed from an underlying character sequence.
RepeatedCharacterSequence A character sequence defined by a character and a repeat count.
ReverseRope A rope representing the reversal of character sequence.
SubstringRope Represents a lazily-evaluated substring of another rope.

Package org.ahmadsoft.ropes.impl Description

Internal implementation package for Java Ropes. The classes in this package should not be used by clients and are subject to change from release to release without notice.

Copyright © 2008, 2009 Amin Ahmad. All Rights Reserved.