2 *  USPostalCodeService.java
3 *  Copyright (C) 2006 Amin Ahmad
4 *
5 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 *  any later version.
9 *
10 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
18 */
19package org.ahmadsoft.postal;
21import java.util.ArrayList;
22import java.util.Iterator;
23import java.util.List;
26 * Provides a postal code service implementation for the United
27 * States of America.
28 *
29 * @author Amin Ahmad
30 */
31public class USPostalCodeService {
32	private PostalRetrievalStrategy retrievalStrategy;
33	private static boolean firstUse = true;
35	public USPostalCodeService() {
36		if (firstUse) {
37			firstUse = false;
38			System.out.println(
39		    "U.S. Postal Code Service for Java version 1, Copyright (C) 2006 Amin Ahmad\n\n"+
40		    "U.S. Postal Code Service for Java comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;\n"+
41		    "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"+
42		    "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"+
43		    "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n"+
44		    "any later version."
45			);
46		}
47	}
49	/**
50	 * Disposes an instance of this object. Subsequent use of this
51	 * object is a logical programming error.
52	 * @throws Exception
53	 */
54	public void dispose() throws Exception {
56	}
58	/**
59	 * Initializes an instance of the US Postal Code Service. Initialization
60	 * is required prior to use.
61	 *
62	 * @param retrievalStrategy an initialized postal retrieval strategy.
63	 * @throws Exception if an error occurs during initialization. Renders
64	 * this service instance unusable.
65	 */
66	public void initialize(PostalRetrievalStrategy retrievalStrategy) throws Exception {
67		this.retrievalStrategy = retrievalStrategy;
68	}
70	/**
71	 * Returns a list of all recognized candidate cities for a given postal
72	 * code. Candidate cities are catogorized as actual, acceptable, and
73	 * unacceptable.
74	 *
75	 * @param postalCode the postal code.
76	 * @return a list of all recognized candidate cities for a given postal
77	 * code.
78	 */
79	public List getCandidates(int postalCode) {
80		return retrievalStrategy.getCandidates(postalCode);
81	}
83	/**
84	 * Returns <code>true</code> if the given postal code is within
85	 * the given state, or <code>false</code> otherwise.  For
86	 * example, <code>isPostalCodeIn(85050, "AZ")</code> will return <code>true</code>
87	 * because the 85050 postal code is within Arizona, but
88	 * <code>isPostalCodeIn(43202, "CA")</code> will return <code>false</code>
89	 * because the 43202 is not in California, but rather in Ohio.
90	 *
91	 * @param postalCode the postal code.
92	 * @param stateAbbr the two-digit, upper-case abbreviation for
93	 * a state, as specified in <a href="http://www.usps.com/ncsc/lookups/usps_abbreviations.html">
94	 * United States Postal Service - Abbreviations</a>.
95	 * @return <code>true</code> if the given postal code is within
96	 * the given state, or <code>false</code> otherwise.
97	 */
98	public boolean isPostalCodeIn(int postalCode, String stateAbbr) {
99		List candidates = this.retrievalStrategy.getCandidates(postalCode);
100		for (Iterator i=candidates.iterator();i.hasNext();) {
101			PostalCodeEntry entry = (PostalCodeEntry) i.next();
102			if (entry.getState().equals(stateAbbr)) {
103				return true;
104			}
105		}
106		return false;
107	}
109	/**
110	 * Returns the <code>PostalCodeEntry</code> for the actual city
111	 * registered with the U.S. Post Office for this postal code. This
112	 * is a useful operation because every postal code has an official
113	 * city name associated with it, as well as several other names
114	 * recognized by the post office as acceptable or unacceptable.
115	 * <p>
116	 * For example, <code>getActualFor(90064)</code> will return a
117	 * <code>PostalCodeEntry</code> for Los Angeles, CA, which is
118	 * the official city for the 90064 postal code. Rancho Park, CA
119	 * is an acceptable, but not the actual, name.
120	 *
121	 * @param postalCode
122	 * @return the <code>PostalCodeEntry</code> for the actual city
123	 * registered with the U.S. Post Office for this postal code, or
124	 * <code>null</code> if there is no "actual" candidate for this postal code.
125	 * This may occur if the postal code is not yet assigned, or is
126	 * out of range.
127	 */
128	public PostalCodeEntry getActualFor(int postalCode) {
129		List candidates = this.retrievalStrategy.getCandidates(postalCode);
130		for (Iterator i=candidates.iterator();i.hasNext();) {
131			PostalCodeEntry entry = (PostalCodeEntry) i.next();
132			if (entry.getEntryType() == PostalCodeConstants.CITY_ACTUAL) {
133				return entry;
134			}
135		}
136		return null;
137	}
139	/**
140	 * Performs a match using default matching options well-suited
141	 * to common validation. Specifically, ignore capitalization is
142	 * <code>true</code>, ignore punctuation is <code>true</code>,
143	 * ignore whitespace is <code>false</code>, and the minimum match
144	 * level is <code>PostalCodeConstants.CITY_ACCEPTABLE</code>.
145	 *
146	 * @param city the city to match.
147	 * @param postalCode the postal code within which to match the city.
148	 * @return the closest matches to the specified city within the specified
149	 * postal code.
150	 * @see #match(String, int, MatchOptions)
151	 */
152	public List match(String city, int postalCode) {
153		return match(city, postalCode, new MatchOptions(true, true, false, PostalCodeConstants.CITY_ACCEPTABLE));
154	}
156	/**
157	 * Returns a list of the closest matches to the specified city
158	 * within the specified postal code. The details of the matching
159	 * process can be controlled by specifying match options.
160	 * <p>
161	 * Note: This method does not take the state into consideration. Rather,
162	 * use #isPostalCodeIn(int, String) to determine if a postal code
163	 * is within a given state.
164	 *
165	 * @param city the city to match.
166	 * @param postalCode the postal code within which to match the city.
167	 * @param options parameters to control the matching process.
168	 * @return a list of the closest matches to the specified city within
169	 * the specfied postal code.
170	 * @see MatchOptions
171	 */
172	public List match(String city, int postalCode, MatchOptions options) {
173		List results    = new ArrayList();
174		List candidates = getCandidates(postalCode);
176		StringBuffer sbCity = new StringBuffer(city.length());
178		for (int j=0; j<city.length(); ++j) {
179			char c = city.charAt(j);
180			if (options.isIgnoreWhitespace() && Character.isWhitespace(c))
181				continue;
182			if (options.isIgnorePunctuation() && punctuation.indexOf(c) > -1)
183				continue;
184			if (options.isIgnoreCapitalization())
185				c = Character.toUpperCase(c);
186			sbCity.append(c);
187		}
189		city = sbCity.toString();
191		// Two passes. The first pass determines the minimum value
192		// while the second pass copies all values having that value
193		// into the results array.
194		//
196		int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
197		for (Iterator i=candidates.iterator();i.hasNext();) {
198			PostalCodeEntry entry = (PostalCodeEntry) i.next();
199			if (entry.getEntryType() > options.getMaxMatchLevel())
200				continue;
201			min = Math.min(min, StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(entry.getCity(), city));
202		}
203		for (Iterator i=candidates.iterator();i.hasNext();) {
204			PostalCodeEntry entry = (PostalCodeEntry) i.next();
205			if (entry.getEntryType() > options.getMaxMatchLevel())
206				continue;
207			if (min == StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(entry.getCity(), city)) {
208				results.add(new MatchResult(entry, min));
209			}
210		}
212		return results;
213	}
215	private static final String punctuation = "`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=[{]}\\|;:'\",<.>/?";
217	/**
218	 * Specifies options for performing an advanced match
219	 * operation.
220	 *
221	 * @author Amin Ahmad
222	 */
223	public static class MatchOptions {
224		private boolean ignoreWhitespace=false;
225		private boolean ignorePunctuation=true;
226		private boolean ignoreCapitalization=true;
227		private int maxMatchLevel=PostalCodeConstants.CITY_ACCEPTABLE;
229		/**
230		 * Creates a new match option.
231		 * @param ignoreCapitalization
232		 * @param ignorePunctuation
233		 * @param ignoreWhitespace
234		 * @param maxMatchLevel
235		 */
236		public MatchOptions(boolean ignoreCapitalization, boolean ignorePunctuation, boolean ignoreWhitespace, int maxMatchLevel) {
237			super();
238			this.ignoreCapitalization = ignoreCapitalization;
239			this.ignorePunctuation = ignorePunctuation;
240			this.ignoreWhitespace = ignoreWhitespace;
241			this.maxMatchLevel = maxMatchLevel;
242		}
244		/**
245		 * Returns <code>true</code> is capitalization should be ignored when computing
246		 * the distance between two names, and <code>false</code> otherwise. For example,
247		 * if the value were true, then the distace between Dallas and dallas would be
248		 * zero, but if the value were false, then the distace would be one.
249		 *
250		 * @return <code>true</code> is capitalization should be ignored when computing
251		 * the distance between two names, and <code>false</code> otherwise.
252		 */
253		public boolean isIgnoreCapitalization() {
254			return ignoreCapitalization;
255		}
257		/**
258		 * Returns <code>true</code> if punctuation should be ignored when computing the
259		 * distance between two names, and <code>false</code> otherwise. The
260		 * punctuation characters are defined as follows:
261		 * <code>`~!@#$%^&*()_-+=[{]}\|;:'",<.>/?</code>
262		 *
263		 * @return <code>true</code> if punctuation should be ignored when
264		 * computing the distance between two names, and <code>false</code>
265		 * otherwise.
266		 */
267		public boolean isIgnorePunctuation() {
268			return ignorePunctuation;
269		}
271		/**
272		 * Returns <code>true</code> if whitespace should be ignored when computing the
273		 * distance between two names, and <code>false otherwise</code>. If, for
274		 * example, the value were true, then the match distance between
275		 * LOSANGELES and LOS ANGELES would be one, and if the value were false,
276		 * the distance would be zero.
277		 *
278		 * @return <code>true</code> if whitespace should be ignored when computing the
279		 * distance between two names, and <code>false otherwise</code>.
280		 */
281		public boolean isIgnoreWhitespace() {
282			return ignoreWhitespace;
283		}
285		/**
286		 * Returns the maximum match level for a match operation. Only cities within a postal
287		 * code that meet the maximum match level are considered for inclusion in the results.
288		 * Note that <code>CITY_ACTUAL</code> < <code>CITY_ACCEPTABLE</code> <
289		 * <code>CITY_UNACCEPTABLE</code>.
290		 *
291		 * @return the minimum match level for a match operation.
292		 */
293		public int getMaxMatchLevel() {
294			return maxMatchLevel;
295		}
296	}
298	/**
299	 * The result of a matching operation.
300	 * @author Amin Ahmad
301	 */
302	public static class MatchResult {
303		public int distance;
304		public PostalCodeEntry match;
305		public MatchResult(PostalCodeEntry match, int distance) {
306			super();
307			this.match = match;
308			this.distance = distance;
309		}
310		public String toString() {
311			return match + ", distance = " + distance;
312		}
313	}