CITY_ACCEPTABLE - Static variable in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalCodeConstants
Indicates a PostalCodeEntry that holds an city and state combination defined as acceptable for a given postal code by the US Postal Service.
CITY_ACTUAL - Static variable in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalCodeConstants
Indicates a PostalCodeEntry that holds the actual city and state for a given postal code.
CITY_UNACCEPTABLE - Static variable in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalCodeConstants
Indicates a PostalCodeEntry that holds an city and state combination defined as unacceptable for a given postal code by the US Postal Service.
CITY_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalCodeConstants
Indicates a PostalCodeEntry that holds an unknown city and state combination for the given postal code.


DiskStrategy - Class in org.ahmadsoft.postal
A retrieval strategy that looks up from disk every time.
DiskStrategy() - Constructor for class org.ahmadsoft.postal.DiskStrategy
dispose() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.DiskStrategy
dispose() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.InMemoryStrategy
dispose() - Method in interface org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalRetrievalStrategy
dispose() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.ReadOnceStrategy
dispose() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService
Disposes an instance of this object.
distance - Variable in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService.MatchResult


getActualFor(int) - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService
Returns the PostalCodeEntry for the actual city registered with the U.S.
getCandidates(int) - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.DiskStrategy
getCandidates(int) - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.InMemoryStrategy
getCandidates(int) - Method in interface org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalRetrievalStrategy
Retrieves a list of candidate cities for a specified postal code.
getCandidates(int) - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.ReadOnceStrategy
getCandidates(int) - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService
Returns a list of all recognized candidate cities for a given postal code.
getCity() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalCodeEntry
Returns the city associated with this entry.
getEntryType() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalCodeEntry
Returns the type of this entry.
getMaxMatchLevel() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService.MatchOptions
Returns the maximum match level for a match operation.
getPostalCode() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalCodeEntry
Returns the postal code associated with this entry.
getState() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalCodeEntry
Returns the two-letter abbreviation for the state associated with this entry.


initialize(File, File) - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.DiskStrategy
initialize(File, File) - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.InMemoryStrategy
initialize(File, File) - Method in interface org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalRetrievalStrategy
Initializes the retrieval strategy with the postal code index and data files.
initialize(File, File) - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.ReadOnceStrategy
initialize(PostalRetrievalStrategy) - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService
Initializes an instance of the US Postal Code Service.
InMemoryStrategy - Class in org.ahmadsoft.postal
A retrieval strategy that loads the entire file into memory.
InMemoryStrategy() - Constructor for class org.ahmadsoft.postal.InMemoryStrategy
isIgnoreCapitalization() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService.MatchOptions
Returns true is capitalization should be ignored when computing the distance between two names, and false otherwise.
isIgnorePunctuation() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService.MatchOptions
Returns true if punctuation should be ignored when computing the distance between two names, and false otherwise.
isIgnoreWhitespace() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService.MatchOptions
Returns true if whitespace should be ignored when computing the distance between two names, and false otherwise.
isPostalCodeIn(int, String) - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService
Returns true if the given postal code is within the given state, or false otherwise.


match(String, int) - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService
Performs a match using default matching options well-suited to common validation.
match(String, int, USPostalCodeService.MatchOptions) - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService
Returns a list of the closest matches to the specified city within the specified postal code.
match - Variable in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService.MatchResult


org.ahmadsoft.postal - package org.ahmadsoft.postal
Provides a postal code service implementation for the United States of America.


PostalCodeConstants - Class in org.ahmadsoft.postal
A collection of constants used by the Postal Code Service library.
PostalCodeConstants() - Constructor for class org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalCodeConstants
PostalCodeEntry - Class in org.ahmadsoft.postal
Represents a USPS recognized city, state, postal code combination.
PostalCodeEntry(int, String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalCodeEntry
Constructs a new postal code entry.
PostalRetrievalStrategy - Interface in org.ahmadsoft.postal
Encapsulates a strategy for retrieving postal codes.


ReadOnceStrategy - Class in org.ahmadsoft.postal
A retrieval strategy that looks up from disk the first time and subsequently reads from cache.
ReadOnceStrategy() - Constructor for class org.ahmadsoft.postal.ReadOnceStrategy


toString(int) - Static method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalCodeConstants
Returns a string representation of a given postal code constant.
toString() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.PostalCodeEntry
toString() - Method in class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService.MatchResult


USPostalCodeService - Class in org.ahmadsoft.postal
Provides a postal code service implementation for the United States of America.
USPostalCodeService() - Constructor for class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService
USPostalCodeService.MatchOptions - Class in org.ahmadsoft.postal
Specifies options for performing an advanced match operation.
USPostalCodeService.MatchOptions(boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService.MatchOptions
Creates a new match option.
USPostalCodeService.MatchResult - Class in org.ahmadsoft.postal
The result of a matching operation.
USPostalCodeService.MatchResult(PostalCodeEntry, int) - Constructor for class org.ahmadsoft.postal.USPostalCodeService.MatchResult


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