Package org.ahmadsoft.postal

Provides a postal code service implementation for the United States of America.


Interface Summary
PostalRetrievalStrategy Encapsulates a strategy for retrieving postal codes.

Class Summary
DiskStrategy A retrieval strategy that looks up from disk every time.
InMemoryStrategy A retrieval strategy that loads the entire file into memory.
PostalCodeConstants A collection of constants used by the Postal Code Service library.
PostalCodeEntry Represents a USPS recognized city, state, postal code combination.
ReadOnceStrategy A retrieval strategy that looks up from disk the first time and subsequently reads from cache.
USPostalCodeService Provides a postal code service implementation for the United States of America.
USPostalCodeService.MatchOptions Specifies options for performing an advanced match operation.
USPostalCodeService.MatchResult The result of a matching operation.

Package org.ahmadsoft.postal Description

Provides a postal code service implementation for the United States of America.

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